Tuesday, March 8, 2016

Several options of simple pore minimizer home remedy

Several options of simple pore minimizer home remedy


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Several options of simple pore minimizer home remedy  

Several options of simple pore minimizer home remedy  - HEALTH MAGAZINE Large pores, especially for people who have oily skin, can cause some problems, such as: blackheads and acne. Large pores will need serious consideration for your skin beauty.  You can try some options of pore minimizer home remedy, for shrinking the large pores.  

Several options of simple pore minimizer home remedy

  1. You can use ice
    Ice is very effective and simple home remedy to minimize the large pores. It can tighten your skin. It is frequently used to minimize the large pores before applying makeup. It can encourage healthier skin. You can use clean washcloth to wrap few ice cubes. Hold it around 15 – 30 minutes on your skin. Do this step several times each day. If you see there is improvement, you can reduce the frequency. You can also just simply wash your face with cold water per day. If you want to get more benefit, infuse the water of ice cubes with apple juice, rose water, or green tea.   
  2. Apple cider vinegar is also good pore minimizer home remedy
    It ca works as natural skin toner and astringent. It will tighten your skin and restore pH balance of your skin. It also contains anti-inflammatory and anti-microbial that can treat acne breakout. You can mix water with organic apple cider vinegar in equal amount. Apply it to your face (you can use cotton ball). Leave for few minutes, and then rise it. Use this remedy once daily. You can follow with light moisturizer to get better result. You can get the improvement in few weeks.
  3. Egg whites are also often used for shrinking the large pores and tightening the skin
    It is very popular as pore minimizer home remedy. Take the egg whites and spread it on your face. Leave it for several minutes, and then rinse it. You can also combine the white egg with juice that is squeezed from lemon for better result. You can do this remedy twice a week with regular basis.
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Several options of simple pore minimizer home remedy
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