Monday, June 29, 2015




Baca Juga


Custom clothing namely all the fittings is the traditional clothes that all the fittings are worn by someone who shows the cultural ethos of a society. By looking at someone's clothes, people would say that that person from the area and this will be more clear if there is a parade of Unity in Diversity. So traditional clothes representing local communities and indigenous something distinguish it from other local customs. In connection with this they will be, then that will be presented in this paper is the traditional clothing worn by indigenous stakeholders and women in Minangkabau which is also called the oversized clothing.

Clothes old man

Penghoeloe clothing is oversized clothes in Indonesian traditional and not everyone can wear it. In addition, clothing is not the daily clothing worn by a prince wishes, but in accordance with the procedures outlined by the customs. Clothes prince is a set of clothing consisting of Headband
Deta or headband is a headgear or as headdress headgear when viewed on its shape is also divided over some portion in accordance with the wearer, area, and position. Deta Natural king named "dandam not already" (revenge is not already). Penghoeloe wears deta sieve (large headband) or saluak batimbo (ins use a dipper). Deta Indomo Saruaso named Deta Ameh (gold headband). Deta king in coastal named cilieng manurun (ciling downhill). Ins headband or wrapped around the head of the prince as the skin that indicates the content with the understanding headband imagines what is inside the head of a prince. The headband has a wrinkle, a lot of laws that need to be known by the prince and dester wrinkle as much as it was also the reason should be a prince in every field. If the headband was developed, kerutnya must be wide. Thus the prince understood it anyway so let width capable of performing its duties until rescue children nephew, village surroundings and villages. Wrinkles headband give meaning, that a prince before speaking or doing let frowning or thinking beforehand and do not be hasty.


Prince shirt black as a symbol of leadership. Tapo resistant black, resistant Putiah sasah (black wrought-resistant, wash-resistant white). With the meaning of vituperation and praise things that must be accepted by a leader. With lyrical language about this shirt saying "sieve circles of black clothes, circles of tasenseng not deck bangih, pangipeh Angek son nyo cold, pahampeh gabuek son nyo habih (large black shirt sleeves, sleeves tersinsing not out of anger, pengipas warm so cool, so that the dust pengipas depleted). Sleeve given macau yarn, thread large flanked by small threads that have a great sense of people have accompaniment. Regarding the large neck has accompanist. the collar is said lihie nan Lapeh not bakatuak, babalah hampie ka dado (not berkatuk neck loose, parted nearly kedada) which has the meaning of a natural prince broad field of earth. Gunuang not runtuah kabuik deck, deck Karuah lawuik no fish, rang gadang martabatnyo saba, tagangnyo bajelo-jelo, kaduonyo badantiang-dantiang, Paik manih clever malulua, there dignity bahimpunnyo (mountain did not collapse because of fog, the sea is not murky because the fish. The big guy great dignity, tense flutter, engorgement clinking, gulp down the bitter sweet clever, there dignity berhimpunnya). Understanding contained therein is a prince who does not waver authority and leadership in the face of all the problems and he should be prudent in running his leadership.


Custom phrase regarding this sarawa say "basarawa Hitan gadang foot, kapanuruik alue nan luruih, kapanampuah pasa street in the village, koto Nagari jo, jo salasai step size (large black pants leg, kepenurut straight furrow, kepenempuh street market in the village, koto and Nagari step completed with size). Pants large size feet prince had understanding that greatness in fulfilling all calls and that should be followed in social life as well as an indigenous stakeholders. The greatness that is limited only by one of the dignity of the prince, which is cheap and expensive, with the understanding cheap and expensive heart and his actions on the berpatutan.

Sasampiang (Sesamping)

Sasampiang is a piece of cloth that is worn like a shirt on a clothes bay cauldron. Sesampiang fabric color red usually declare a brave prince. Sesamping also usually given macau yarn (yarn colorful) in a small size that sense imagined in science and courage to the truth in the village. The beauty shows her rich fabrics, sentengnya to the knee to assert that a poor prince over his heart right. Understanding that a wealthy prince charitable hearts to something good deeds are done by the children of his nephew. For example there is any work performed by his nephew, but not as far as he is. Because it's a good job it does not hinder and even participate menyelenggarakannya.

Cawek (Belt)

Regarding this cawek expressed "Suto cawek bajumbai alai, saeto pucuak rabuang, tassels saeto alainyo, jambuah nan hands of tigo tampek. Cawek kapalilik son nephew, aka panjarek budinyo, pamauik pusako Datuak, sturdy nak lua jo in, nak nak more benign tanang, nak nak lia tabang jauah jan. Kabek salilik buhua jerky, sturdy not dapek diungkai, guyahnyo bapantang stairs, lungga dukua tub in lihia, babukak mako ungkai ka, ka jo rundiang mako stairs, Kato mufakaik kapaungkai. Cawek prince in traditional clothing is of linen and sometimes silk. The length and width should be comparable or five to one feet and the tip wear tassels and trimmings bamboo shoots. Meaning contained on this cawek can be concluded that a prince should be competent and capable of binding the child nephew subtly and quietly get his mind.


After wearing a headband and a shirt, pants and sesamping maak dibahu also carried a piece of cloth which quadrangular. Rectangular fabric is called clothing. Rectangular cloth which is carried in the words symbolic said, "clothing pahapuih paluah in kaniang, pambungkuih tingga bajapuik nan" nan pangampuang tacicie babinjek ". The sense is that a nephew of the prince is ready to receive children who have returned from keingkarannya and subject to the truth according to custom. Likewise all miss each and every field of moral and material always picked up or paid back according to proper.


Penghoeloe armed with a dagger that is inserted in the waist. People who are not princes, not justified wear a dagger; except save it. Keris is oversized for the prince and contain profound meaning. Specific use with completeness clothes, lying leaning to the left and not the right to an easy pull. The keris layout implies that a prince should think in advance and do not easily get angry in the face of something problems, especially around violence. Gambo or pedestal punting a dagger; meaning that the prince was a nephew bersitumpu for children to complain of pain happy. Sturdy keris not because embalau, with the understanding that that gives authority to the prince, is the result of his own actions. Dagger eyes twisted, there are crooked two and a half broken; nothing more. The sense is the prince should have a strategy to carry out their duties. Kris eyes and do not need to use a dipper behind honed since made with the understanding that the greatness of the prince and the child was raised by a nephew and villages. Tajamnyo acts of malukoi, mamutuih acts of diambuihkan (sharp not hurt, do not break the exhaled), the notion of a prince no fanatic, no-consecution contribute to the understanding and opinions of others, believe in themselves and their knowledge. Lirisnya language of the keris is revealed "senjatonyo Karih kabasaran sampiang jo hollow nan tampeknyo, sisiknyo taboo plant, leaning lataknyo ka spangle, dikesongkan mako dicabuik. Gambonyo pedestal puntiang, tunangannyo ulu kamek wood, bamato baliek tatimbo, tajamnyo abstinence malukoi, mamutuih rambuik diambuihkan. Ipuehnyo down from langik, bisonyo abstinence katawaran, polls stabbed to death Juo, kepalawan dayo urang Aluih, kaparauik lahie inner jo, pangikih miang in kampuang, panarah nan Bungkuak sajangka, Lahia inner self pamaga broken muluik tampek lost, broken Karih bakeh dead ".

Tungkek (Stick)

The stick is also a complete outfit of a prince. Regarding the stick is said to be silver. Jo custom, Stick that brought the prince as the completeness of clothes not to show the prince of the old age, but a prince of the elder by people, tribes, and their area. He comes first step, a branch elevated.
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