Monday, June 22, 2015




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Traditional clothing North Sulawesi (Sulut Indonesia)

Speaking customs and cultures of North Sulawesi, we may not be able to talk about a rate as representatives of four indigenous peoples of North Sulawesi. Fourth indigenous peoples are; Minahasa tribe, Gorontalo, Sangir Talaud, and Mongondow. Into four ethnic groups has its own customs, although in some cases there are similarities. So even when we talk about traditional clothing. This article will try to explain the traditional clothes of the four tribes.

This paper, it helps us categorize custom clothing and jewelry according to functions and uses, namely; everyday clothes, clothes ceremony, and the marriage ceremony attire. So that it is easy to see the variety differentiator to be typical in each region and discovered the similarity between these particularities. Because if we discuss each one of the four tribes stretcher, this article may not be able to accommodate the wealth of meaning contained in the traditional clothes of North Sulawesi society as a whole. Moreover, with a count of the population (CBS, 2010) the population of 2,265,937 inhabitants, with a density of 147.5 / km², and the percentage of indigenous peoples Minahasa (30%), Sangir (19.8%), Mongondow (11.3%) , Gorontalo (7.4%), and Chinese descent (3%), we would really need hundreds of pages and observes field. 


Well, we just talked about everyday clothes of the four tribes native of North Sulawesi. In Gorontalo society, their everyday clothes made of cotton or raw-called molinggolo spun into yarn, and woven alias mohewo. Clothing patterns women kebaya and not patterned shaped and male short-sleeved shirt. While sarong worn by both of them and motivated.

Everyday clothes Bolaang Mongondow society in earlier times was made of wood and leather, and pineapples were soaked in water a few days then pounded and fiber opened. The fibers are then woven called lanut and into sheets of fabric. But today fabric made of fibers lanut had not found anymore because people Bolaang Mongondow have used cotton clothing (cotton) as their everyday clothing.

As with any community Bolaang Mongondow, Minahasa tribes in antiquity has mastered the knowledge and skills of making fabric by utilizing bark and from the rest that could be called manila he nep. But now it is no longer found clothes from the handicrafts. There is only a kind of haberdashery named bajang in some places. However, custom-made daily that have used fabric production mills that can be bought in the shops of fabric.

while daily wear traditional society Sangihe and Talaud, namely clothing made from fabric kofo and it can be said now is not there anymore.

Gorontalo public ceremonial dress used to view the status of someone in traditional ceremonies. The traditional authorities or bate-bate wearing clothing with colored patterns and motifs; shirt-shaped brackets, leg calf-length shorts (batik) commonly called talola calculi. While white or sandaria robes worn by religious leaders. And a black jacket, black trousers are clothing safety officials. When the heads of village wear batik shirt dress form brackets, white pants wear gloves and fish heads payungu alias, indicating that they are ready to run the command (Mahiya on waumatihimanga motubuhe tahilio lo ito Eya) .

In traditional ceremonies, ethnicity Bolaang Mongondow wear traditional clothes made of cotton fabric and raw materials tetoron. To haberdashery usually called baniang. As for the female called Salu, to be made so kebaya, gloves, and scarves. In traditional ceremonies, men wear headbands or Lenso kind of cloth or tied in the head. Also pomerus or adhesive cloth tied at the waist. While women wear Salu with complementary fabric adhesive senket. On the chest decorated with gold, called hamunse.
In Minahasa, ceremonial dress for men is a suit (a pair), and or simply by wearing a shirt with a complementary tie. For women in their underwear is not another form of sarong kebaya or yapon.

For the Sangihe Talaud community, a set of ceremonial clothes worn consisting of a long shirt, belt, and headband, with dominant colors of red, black and blue. The clothing model form almost indistinguishable between to men and women. The shape resembles a clothes alian Juhan called "saturated behavior", distinguishing between the use of men and women only in length, for men only until mid-calf.

Let us return to the people of Gorontalo. In the marriage ceremony, Gorontalo tribes had traditional clothes called marriage coming of age rituals urasipungu consisting of; kebaya bride made of sateen and ornate silver gilding. While the groom wore a sort of parenthesis shirt of the same material with the bride called kimunu. The bride and groom also wore sarongs made of satin. Besides the next complement dalah Paluala which serves as the bride's headdress made of satin with decorative edit or biliu made of silver. Another decoration is kecubu, velvet with silver ornaments hung on the neck of the bride.

In the marriage ceremony Bolaang rate Mongondow, the bride wears edit; a kind of decoration material bun which consists of gold. The bride wore ornate forehead called logical made of black thread.

We are just at the Sangihe Talaud traditional clothes, in general, their marriage ceremony outfit almost identical to upacara-other ceremonies such as festivals "Mohobing Datu", penasbihan tuknag iron, special days and the dancers.

Initially, North Sulawesi province is divided into four administrative regions, four regions based on ethnicity wherewith we explained above. Namunkekinian, along with shades of reform and regional autonomy, Gorontalo province was formed as a division of North Sulawesi Province through Act No. 38 of 2000. So the province of North Sulawesi include; The city of Manado, Bitung, Kab. Minahasa, Kab. Sangihe and Talaud and Kab. Bolaang Mongondow.

In the year 2003 the Province of North Sulawesi has the addition of 3 districts and 1 town again with Minahasa as the principal district ie South Minahasa District, North Minahasa Regency and Tomohon and Talaud Islands. Then in 2007 ketambahan again 4 again Regency / City which Kab. Southeast Minahasa, Kab. North Bolmong, Kab. Sitaro and Kotamobagu City. But actually, native tribes of South Sulawesi are four nations upon the culture and customs should we consider sustainability before actually the Museum.
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