Saturday, June 20, 2015




Baca Juga


At first glance kebaya and History Know About Kebaya

Based on some of the philosophy we've taken from several opinions on the history of KEBAYA. KEBAYA is a type of clothing worn by the women of Java, particularly in the cultural environment of Yogyakarta and Surakarta, Central Java. Usually accompanied by a tank and fabric tapih pinjung with stagen. Clothing kebaya worn by women among the nobility and the common people well as everyday clothing and ceremonial clothing. At the ceremonial clothes as worn by a royal garwo for example, using a pin joint clothing kebaya combined with fabric or jarik Sinjang batik, the head hair bun (bun), and is equipped with a wear jewelry such as earrings, rings, necklaces and bracelets as well as fan usually does not miss. For everyday clothing generally pretty woman wearing a strapless Java combined with stagen and jarik cloth. Kemben used to cover the breasts, armpits and back because the fabric is enough tank width and length. While stagen wound on the abdomen to bind tapihan pinjung to be strong and not easily separated.


To know the history of kebaya, then we start from the description of the clothing kebaya. Baju kebaya itself is a traditional dress worn by the women of Indonesia and Malaysia were made of gauze worn with a sarong, batik, or other traditional clothing such as songket with a colorful motif. Kebaya origin of the word comes from the Arabic word that means clothing abaya. Kebaya is believed to originate from China hundreds of years ago. Then spread to Malacca, Java, Bali, Sumatra, and Sulawesi. After acculturation which lasted hundreds of years, clothing was acceptable in local cultures and sensitivities. 

Before 1600, in Java, kebaya is the only clothing worn in the royal family there. During the period of Dutch control of the island, European women began wearing kebaya as formal wear. During this period, kebaya changed from simply using more using silk fabric with colorful embroidery.

Kebaya knows the history that comes from Central Java townMost of them found many kebaya is a traditional dress that generally has been known throughout Indonesia, but more identical kebaya worn by women Java. Model and was also a different kind of kebaya in each region that are scattered throughout Java. Central Java has its own kebaya, kebaya commonly used women usually kebaya Central Java Solo / Surakarta. Solo is an area known as the royal palace and the region is still thick with the nuances of the kingdom. Kebaya typical Central Java, in general, is kebaya made of black velvet, brocade, or nylon. Today, clothing kebaya long an outfit for the wedding ceremony. Long kebaya mostly made of velvet black or dark red, which is decorated with gold ribbon at the edge of the suburb of clothes. Jarik pleated batik cloth (wiron) is still required for this outfit, but usually without wearing scarves. Bun decorated with garlands of jasmine and the hairpin of gold. Meanwhile, the jewelry worn too simple, that is a nearly half-circle-shaped comb worn in front of the center of the head. Baju kebaya worn long as usual ceremonial clothes, then cosmetology hair without garlands of jasmine and hairpin.

If we explain to know the history of kebaya, kebaya models for RA Kartini also included in the Central Javanese kebaya. RA Kartini is kebaya still adheres customs Javanese. Blouse made of various types of cotton, either plain single color such as red, white, yellow, green, blue and so on as well as cotton or lace or embroidered flowering, using stagen as a belt. Among women in Java, usually baju kebaya they were given additional materials in.Part rectangular front that serves as a connector (kuthubaru).

Philosophy KebayaFor a woman of Java, not only as a limited kebaya outfit. Moreover kebaya also saves a philosophy of its own. A philosophy that contains the values of life. The existence of kebaya in Indonesia not only as becoming one kind of clothing. Kebaya has meaning and function more than that. The simple shape can be regarded as a form of simplicity of Indonesian society. Value philosophy of kebaya is compliance, smoothness, and the behavior of women who should be completely soft. Kebaya always synonymous paired with jarik or cloth bandages body. The body fabric bandages directly will make anyone women who wear it difficult to move quickly. That is why women always synonymous with a personal Java graceful.

Wear kebaya will make women who wear it turned into a woman who is graceful and has a personality. Kebaya pieces that follow the shape of the body will inevitably make the woman should be able to adjust and maintain themselves. A waistband that serves as a belt, the shape does not change as a long cloth that serves as a belt. But instead of the long form that the values instilled noble philosophy, a symbol to be patient / human be patient, closely related to Javanese proverb "Dowo ususe" or length of the intestines, which means patience.
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